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UGC NET COMMERCE- Accounting & Auditing-(Unit-2) (Question-Answer) Part-1


Accounting and auditing

Q1] Which accounting concept satisfy the valuation criteria 

A] Going concern, Realisation, Cost 

b) Going concern, Cost, Dual aspect 

c) Cost, Dual aspect, Conservatism 

d) Realisation, Conservatism, Going concerned. 

Ans. A 

Q2] A trader has made a sale of Rs.75,500 out of which cash sales amounted to 

Rs.25,500. He showed trade receivables on 31-3- 2014 at Rs.25,500. Which concept is followed by him? 

a) Going concern 

b) Cost

 c) Accrual 

d) Money measurement 

Ans. c 

Q3] In which of the following cases, accounting estimates are needed? 

a) Employs benefit schemes 

b) Impairment of losses 

c) Inventory obsolescence 

d) All of the above 


Q4] Deewali advance given to an employee is 

a) Revenue Expenditure 

b) Capital Expenditure 

c) Deferred Revenue Expenditure 

d) Not an Expenditure 


Q5] A firm has reported a profit of Rs.1,47,000 for the year ended 31-3-2014 after taking into consideration the following items. 

(i)The cost of an asset Rs.23,000 has been taken as an expense 

(ii)The firm anticipated a profit of Rs.12,000 on the sale of an old furniture 

(iii)Salary of Rs.7,000 outstanding for the year has not been taken into account. 

(iv)An asset of Rs.85,000 was purchased for Rs.75,000 and was recorded in the books at Rs.85,000. 

What is the correct amount of profit to be reported in the books? 

a) Rs.1,47,000 

b) Rs. 1,51,000 

c) Rs.1,63,000 

d) Rs.1,41,000 


Q6] The process of recording financial data upto trial balance is 

a) Book keeping 

b) Classifying 

c) Summarising 

d) Analyzing 

ans. a 

Q7] Rohit carrying on real estate business sold a piece of land for Rs.4,00,00,000 (cost Rs.3,50,00,000) then the type of receipt is 

nature and profit on sale is 

a) Capital & transferred to capital reserve 

b) Revenue & transferred to P & L a/c 

c) Capital & transferred to P & L a/ 

d) Revenue & transferred to general reserve 


Q8]. Following are essential elements of a partnership firm except: (CPT; June 2012) 

(A) At least two persons 

(B) There is an agreement between all partners 

(C) Equal share of profits and losses 

(D) Partnership agreement is for some business. 


Q9] Interpretation means 

(a)Explanation of meaning and significance of the data in Financial Statements. 

(b)Concerned with preparation and presentation of classified data 

(c)Systematic analysis of recorded data 

(d)Methodical classification of data given in Financial Statements. 


Q10] A trader purchases goods for Rs. 2500000, of these 70% of goods were sold during the year. At the end of 31st December 2009, the market value of such goods were Rs. 500000. But the trader recorded in his books for Rs. 750000. Which of the following concept is violated. 

(a)Money measurement 



(d)None of these 


Q11] Which of the following is wrong? 

(a)All real and personal accounts are transferred to balance sheet 

(b)Nominal accounts are transferred to P & L account 

(c)Each account is opened separately in ledger 

(d)Rent is a personal account, outstanding rent is nominal account 


Q 12] is root cause for financial accounting 

(a)Stewardship accounting 

(b)Social accounting 

(c)Management accounting 

(d)Human resource accounting 


Q 13]If nothing is given in the financial statements about the three accounting assumptions then it is to be treated as it 

a)Is assumed that it is not followed 

b)Is assumed to be followed 

c)Is assumed to be followed to some extent 

d)None of the above 


Q14] The proprietor of the business is treated as creditor for the capital introduced by him due to 


a) Money measurement 

b) Cost c) Entity 

d) Dual aspect 


Q15] Fixed assets are held by business for 

a) Converting into cash 

b) Generating revenue 

c) Resale 

d) None of the above 

ans.b Q16] Which accounting concept specifies the practice of crediting closing stock to the trading account? 

a) Cost 

b) Realisation 

c) Going concern 

d) Matching 


Q17] Amount spent to increasing the earning capacity is a expenditure 

a) Capital 

b) Revenue 

c) Deferred revenue 

d) Capital Loss 


Q18] Change in the capital A/c of proprietor may occur due to 

a) Profit earned 

b) Loss incurred 

c) Capital Introduced 

d) All of the above 

ans. d 

Q19] Consistency with reference to application of accounting procedures means 

a)All companies in the same Industry should use identical accounting procedures 

b)Income & assets have not been overstated 

c)Accounting methods & procedures shall be followed uniform basis year after year 

d)Any accounting method can be followed as per convenience 


Q20] If one of the cars purchased by a car dealer is used for business purpose, instead of resale, then it should be recorded by 

a) Dr Drawing A/c & Cr Purchases A/c 

b) Dr Office Expenses A/c & Cr Motor Car A/c 

c) Dr Motor Car A/c & Cr Purchases A/c 

d) Dr Motor Car & Cr Sales A/c 

ans. c 

Q21] If wages are paid for construction of business premises A/c is credited and A/c is debited. 

a) Wages, Cash 

b) Premises, Cash 

c) Cash, Wages 

d) Cash, Premises 

ans. d 

Q22] Human resources will not appear in the balance sheet according to 

a) Accrual 

b) Going concern 

c) Money measurement concept 

d) None 

ans. c 

Q23] Provision for discount on debtors is calculated on the amount of debtors. 

a)Before deducting provision for doubtful debts. 

b)After deducting provision for doubtful debts. 

c)Before deducting actual debts and provision for doubtful debts. 

d)After adding actual bad and doubtful debts. 


Q24] Which of the following is not a Real Account? 

a) Cash A/c 

b) Investments A/c 

c) Out standing rent A/c 

d) Purchases A/c 

ans. c 

Q25] Value of goods withdrawn by the proprietor for his personal use should be credited to 

a) Capital A/c 

b) Sales A/c 

c) Drawings A/c 

d) Purchases A/c 

ans.d Q26] Which of the following is incorrect? 

a) Good will intangible asset 

b) Sundry debtors - current asset 

c) Loose tools tangible fixed asset 

d) Outstanding expenses -current asset. 

Ans. d Q27] M/s Stationery Mart will debit the purchase of stationery to 

a) Purchases A/c 

b) General Expenses A/c 

c) Stationery A/c 

d) None 


Q28] Small items like, pencils, pens, files, etc. are written off within a year according to _ concept. 

a) Materiality 

b) consistency 

c) Conservatism 

d) Realisation 


Q29] Business enterprise is separate from its owner according to concept. 

a) Money measurement concept 

b) Matching concept 

c) Entity concept 

d) Dual aspect concept 


Q30] The policy of anticipate no profit and provide for all possible losses arise due to the concept of 

a) Consistency 

b) Disclosure 

c) Conservatism 

d) Matching 


Q31] According to which concept, the proprietor pays interest on drawings 

a) Accrual concept 

b) Conservatism concept 

c) Entity concept 

d) Dual Aspect concept 

ans.c Q32] Cost concept basically recognises 

a) Fair Market value 

b) Historical cost 

c) Realisable value 

d) Replacement cost 


Q33] If the Market value of closing Inventory is less than its cost price, inventory will he shown at 

a) Marketable value 

b) Fair Market value 

c) Both 

d) none 

ans. a 

Q34] The Market price of good declined than the cost price. Then the concept that plays a key role is a) Materiality 

b) Going concern concept 

c) Realization 

d) Consistency 


Q35] Fixed assets are double the current assets and half the capital. The current assets are Rs.3,00,000 and investments are Rs.4,00,000. Then the current liabilities recorded in balance sheet will be 

a) 2,00,000 

b) 1,00,000 

c) 3,00,000 

d) 4,00,000 


Q36] Which of the following provide frame work and accounting policies so that the financial statements of different enterprises become comparable. 

a) Business Standards 

b) Accounting Standards 

c) Market Standards 

d) None 


Q37] Which of the following factor is not considered while selecting accounting policies? 

a) Prudence 

b) Substance over form 

c) Accountancy 

d) Materiality 

ans.c Q38] Debit the receiver & credit the giver is 


a) Personal 

b) Real c) Nominal 

d) All the above 

ans.a Q39] Cash a/c is a 

a) Real a/c 

b) Nominal 

c) Personal 

d) None 


Q40] As per accrual concept, which of the followings is not true 

a) revenue – expenditure = profit 

c) sales + gross profit = revenue 

d) revenue = profit + expenditure 


b) revenue – profit = expenditure 

Q41] Mr. X sold goods to Mr. Y ask Mr. X to keep the goods with him for some time 

a) symbolic delivery 

b) actual delivery 

c) constructive delivery 

d) none of these 


Q42] If nothing is written about the accounting assumption to be followed it is presumed that 

a) They have been followed 

b) They have not been followed 

c) They are followed to some extent 

d) none of these 


Q43]Capital A/c is a A/c. 

a) Personal 

b) Real c) Nominal 

d) None 

ans.a Q44] Cash A/c is a A/c. 

a) Personal 

b) Real c) Nominal 

d) None 


Q45] The principle “Debit the receiver and credit the giver” is related to 

a) Personal a/c 

b) Real a/c 

c) Nominal a/c 

d) None 


Q46] As per the Matching concept, Revenue – ? = Profit 

a) Expenses 

b) Liabilities 

c) Losses 

d) Assets 


Q47] Sales – Gross Profit = 

a) Cost of goods sold 

b) Net sales 

c) Gross Sales 

d) Liabilities 

ans.a Q48] Which of the following is a Real A/c? 

a) Building A/c 

b) Capital A/c 

c) Shyam A/c 

d) Rent A/c 


Q49] Valuation of stock in accounting follows the principle of cost price or which ever is lower. 

a) Market Price 

b) b) Average Price 

c) c) Net realizable Value 

d) d) None of these. 


Q50] Which of the following is not a nominal Account? 

A] Outstanding salaries Account 

B] Salaries account 

C] Interest paid 

D] Commission received 


Q51] Mr. X is a dealer in electronic goods (refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioners, televisions, etc.) He purchased two air conditioners and installed in his showroom. In the books of X the cost two air conditioners will be debited to 

A] Drawing account 

B] Capital Account 

C] Fixed assets 

D] Purchases account 


Q52] A trader calculated his profit as Rs.150000 on 31/03/2014. It is an A] Transaction 

B] Event 

C] Transaction as well as event 

D] Neither transaction nor event 

Ans.b Q53] For every debit there will be an equal credit according to A] Matching concept 

B] cost concept 

C] Money measurement concept 

D] Dual aspect concept 


Q54] Historical cost concept requires the valuation of an asset at A] Original cost 

B] Replacement value 

C] Net realizable value 

D] Market value 


Q55] The comparison of financial statement of one year with that of another is possible only when concept is followed 

A] Going concern 

B] Accrual 

C] Consistency 

D] Materiality 


Q56] Profit and loss is calculated at the stage of A] Recording 

B] Posting 

C] Classifying 

D] Summarising 


Q57] Which of the following is not the main objective of accounting? A] Systematic recording of transactions 

B] Ascertaining profit or loss 

C] Ascertainment of financial position 

D] Solving tax disputes with tax authorities 

Ans.d Q58] An asset was purchased for Rs.1000000 with the down payment of Rs.200000 and bills accepted for Rs.800000/-. What would be the effect on the total asset and total liabilities in the balance sheet? 

A] Assets increased by Rs.800000 and liabilities decreased by Rs.800000 

B] Assets decreased by Rs.800000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000 

C] Assets increased by Rs.1000000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000 

D] Assets increased by Rs.800000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000 


Q59] The rule debit all expenses and losses and credit all income and gains relates to A] Personal account 

B] Real account 

C] Nominal accounts 

D] All 

Ans. c 

Q60] Matching concept means 

A] Assets = capital + liabilities 

B] Transactions recorded at accrual concept 

C] Anticipate no profit but recognize all losses 

D] Expenses should be matched with the revenue of the period. 


Q61]. Reduction in the book value of an asset over a period of time is called- 

1. Appreciation 

2. Depreciation 

3. Proportion 

4. Depletion 


Q62]. Which among the following is not a reason for depreciation 

1. Use of asset 

2. Passage of time 

3. Obsolescence 

4. Repair of an asset 


Q63]. Depreciation is charged on 

1. Current asset 

2. Fixed asset 

3. Intangible asset 

4. Current liability 


Q64]. Depreciation helps in determining 

1. Accurate level of profit 

2. Increases the value of asset 

3. Revenue generation 

4. increase the burden of tax 


Q65].The asset which is an exception from depreciation is 




4.ATM Machine 


Q66].Which of the following is true about the straight-line method? 

1.Complex method 

3.Cost of depreciation changes every year 

4.P&L account debited with different amount every year 


2.Cost of depreciation remains constant 

Q67].Bank purchased a computer on 1.03.2015 at a cost Rs. 50000, estimated life is 8 years, cost of depreciation under straight-line method will be- 

1. 6250 

2. 7430 

3. 5000 

4. 4590 


Q68]. Annual depreciation of machine is 40000, cost of machine is 500000, rate of depreciation according to straight-line method will be- 

1. 9% 

2. 18% 

3. 16% 

4. 8% 


Q69].Value of an asset is 9 lakh, scrap value is 125000, estimated life is 10 years the cost of depreciation under straight-line method will be- 

1. 65000 

2. 89000 

3. 77500 

4. 67880 


Q70]. Depreciation is a process of 

1. Valuation of asset 

2. Allocation of cost 

3. Both A& B 

4. Only A 


Q71]. Cost of the asset minus scrap value/ Life of the asset is the formula of 

1. Diminishing balance method 

2. Annuity method 

3. Straight line method 

4. Sum of digits method 


Q74]. The Diminishing balance method means a method by which- 

1.The rate of depreciation falls year by year 

2.The amount on which depreciation is calculated falls year by year 

3.The rate and amount which is applied falls year by year 

4.None of the above 


Q75].Which among the following is false about Diminishing balance method- 

1.the amount of depreciation is high in the initial years 

2.Depreciation is calculated on the original cost of the asset 

3.the value of the asset cannot be reduced to zero 

4.Cost of depreciation remains constant 


Q76]. Which of the following accounting concepts or principles require the calculation of depreciation of the fixed assets? 

A)Prudence concept 

B)Accrual concept 

C)Consistency concept 

D)Matching concept 


Q77].Depreciation is an 






Q78].The cost of the asset is 60000 and depreciated at 12% p.a. using the written down method. at the end of three years, it will have a net book value of – 

1. 40888.32 

2. 43888.90 

3. 45322 

4. 40000 


Q79].The vehicle costs Rs. 150000; it charges 20% depreciation according to written down value method estimate the value of the vehicle after depreciation at the end of three years. 

1. 68000 

2. 56000 

3. 78000 

4. 76800 


Q80].The loss on sale of an asset is debited to 


2.Depreciation fund 

3.Profit & Loss account 

4.Asset’s account 


Q81].Under the diminishing balance method, depreciation is calculated on 

1.Scrap value 

2.Book value 

3.Original value 

4.All of these 


Q82].A boiler was purchased from abroad for Rs. 10000. Shipping and forward charges Rs. 2000 and expenses of installation amounts to Rs. 8000. Find the balance after three years @10% on diminishing balance method. 

1. 12400 

2. 14580 

3. 13800 

4. 11800 


Q83].The amount of depreciation charged on machinery is debited to 

1.Depreciation account 

2.Machinery account 

3.Provision for depreciation account 

4.Expense account 


Q84)Which of the following is not a Capital Expenditure? 

a)Money spent to purchase the Furniture 

b)Money spent to purchase the Building 

c)Money spent to pay the salary to the employees 

d)Money spent to purchase the Land 


Q85)Which of the following is not a Revenue Expenditure? 

a)Money spent towards acquiring the Furniture 

b)Money spent to pay salary to the employees 

c)Money spent towards electricity bill 

d)Money spent towards interest on deposits 


Q86)What is Accounting Equation? 

a)Assets = Capital + Liabilities 

b)Assets = Capital – Liabilities 

c)Liabilities = Capital + Assets 

d)Capital = Liabilities – Assets 


Q87)How would you classify the Depreciation? 

a)Asset to the bank 

b)Expense to the bank 

c)Income to the bank 

d)Liability to the bank 


Q88) How would you classify the ‘wages paid for construction of building’? 

a)Revenue Receipt 

b)Revenue Expenditure 

c)Capital Expenditure 

d)Revenue Expenditure 


Q89) Which of the following best describes a trial balance? 

a)It shows the profit or loss of the organization 

b)It is a list of balances of ledger accounts 

c)Shows the financial position of a business 

d)It is a Ledger Account 


Q90) Contingent liabilities are those and are shown under. 

a)Which are never payable and shown outside the balance sheet 

b)Which may or may not arise and shown liabilities side of the balance sheet 

c)Which crystallize at the time of liquidation of a company and shown in the asset side of the balance sheet 

d)Which may or may not arise and shown outside of the balance sheet 

Q91) Which of the following is a Capital Expenditure? 

B)Purchase of machinery 

C)Interest on loan 

D)Depreciation on machinery 

Ans.b 92) How would you journalise the depreciation charged on the asset? 

A)Debiting cash account and crediting depreciation account. 

B)Debiting depreciation account and crediting cash account. 

C)Debiting depreciation account and crediting asset account. 

D)Debiting cash account and crediting asset account 


93)Which of the following convention says that “Once an entity follows a particular method of accounting it should use the same method for all 


A)Purchase of raw material 

subsequent transactions and events of the same nature”. 


B)Full Disclosure 




94)Interest earned in bank final statement is explained through ——- 

A)Schedule 13 

B)Schedule 1 

C)Schedule 15 

D)Schedule 2 


95)How would you treat the purchase of software that will be used for more than 12 months should be regarded as: 

A) A revenue expenditure 

B) A capital expenditure 

C) A long term expense 

D) A capital receipt 


96)Which of the following is a double entry for depreciation expenses? 

A) Accumulated depreciation debit and depreciation expenses Credit 

B)Depreciation expenses Debit and provision for depreciation Credit 

C)Cash Debit and depreciation expenses Credit 

D)Depreciation expenses Debit and cash Credit 


97) Which among the following represents the balance in the Capital account of the business? 

(A) The amount of cash introduced by the owner at the commencement of business 

(B)Total liabilities of the business 

(C)The total of all assets of the business 

(D)Total assets of the business minus its external liabilities 


98) Which of the following statements states the meaning of Trial Balance? 

(A) Lists the balances of the ledger accounts of asset accounts and liability accounts for a particular period 

(B) Lists the balances of all the ledger accounts for a particular period 

(C) It reveals how profitable a business has been 

(D) It balances even if the bookkeeper forgets to post a payment 


99) In the case of a partnership the act of any partner is : (C.S. Foundation Dec. 2012) 

(A) Binding on all partners 

(B) Binding on that partner only 

(C) Binding on all partners except that particular partner 

(D) None of the above 


100) How would you classify the summary statement of the tabulation of balances of all the ledger accounts? 

(A)Reconciliation Statement 

(B)Trial Balance 

101).Recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner of financial transactions is known as – 




D)Dealing with finance 

Answer .(A) 

102).Which kind of transactions are recorded in accounting 

A)Transactions having financial and physical character 

B)Transactions having financial character 

C)Dealings having financial and social implications 

D)Transactions having social and money matters 

E)All the above 

Answer. (B) 

103).A firm obtains a loan of Rs. 37 lac from its bankers and purchases raw material stocks. The transactions would be recorded as a part of ... 



C)Management information system 

D)Cost accounting 

E)A and B 

Answer . (A) 

104).Recording of a financial transaction can be done in which of the following books: 


B)Cash book 

C)Purchase book 

D)Sale book 

E)Any of the above 


105) .The process of grouping of transactions or entries of one nature is called .... 





E)All the above 

Answer . (B) 

106).For the purpose of classifying the financial transactions appropriately, which of the following books are used 

A)Cash book 


C)Purchase book 

D)Sales book 

E)Ledge Answer .(E) 

107).Presentation of classified data in a manner that is understandable and useful to management and other parties is called 





E)All the above 

Answer .(C) 

108).Summarizing is done through preparation of which of the following types of account 

A)Cash book and journal 

B)Trading and profit and loss account 

C)Balance sheet 

D)A to C all 

E)B and C 

Answer is (E) 

109).A financial happening that affects the finance of the business is called 



C)Book keeping 

D)Give and take 

E)None of the above 

Answer .(A) 

110).Which of the following is not a part of the accounting process 




D)Analyzing and interpreting 

E)None of the above 

Answer . (E) 

111).Which of the following statement is true? (A) a minor cannot be admitted as a partner (B) a minor can be admitted as a partner, only into the benefits of the partnership 

(C) a minor can be admitted as a partner but his rights and liabilities are same of adult partner D) none of the above 


112).Which of the following statements is true? 

A. A debenture holder is an owner of the company 

B. A debenture holder can get his money back only on the liquidation of the company 

C.A debenture issued at a discount can be redeemed at a premium 

D.A debenture holder receives interest only in the event of profits 


113.Which of the following is False: 

A.Debenture is written instrument acknowledging a debt under the common seal of the company. 

B.Debenture is a part of owned capital. 

C.The payment of interest on debentures is a charge on the profits of the compny. 

D.Redeemable debentures are those debentures, which are payable on the expiry of the specific period. 


114.Which of the following statement is true: 

A.The debentures cannot be issued at a discount of more than 10% of the face value. 

B.Perpetual debentures are also known as irredeemable debentures. 

C.Debentures cannot be converted into shares. 

D.Debentures cannot be issued at a premium. 


115. Oustensible partners are those who (A) do not contribute any capital but get some share of profit for lending their name to the business (B) contribute very less capital but get equal profit (C) do not contribute any capital and without having any interest in the business, lend their name to the business (D) contribute maximum capital of the business 

Ans. c 

116.Which of the following statements is false? 

A.A company can issue convertible debentures 

B.Debentures cannot be secured 

C.A company can issue redeemable debentures 

D.Debentures have no right to participate in profits over and above their fixed interest 


117.Debenture premium cannot be used to . 

A.Write off the discount on issue of shares or debentures 

B.Write off the premium on redemption of shares or debentures 

C.Pay dividends 

D.Write off capital loss 


118.Which of the following statements is false? 

A.At maturity, debenture holders get back their money as per the terms and conditions of redemption 

B.Debentures can be forfeited for non payment of call money 

C.In company’s balance sheet, debentures are shown under secured loans 

D.Interest on debentures is charged against profits 

Ans. b 

119.Loss on issue of debentures is treated as . 

A.Intangible asset 

B.Current asset 

C.Current liability 

D.Miscellaneous expenditure 


120.Which of the following is not true about debenture stock: 

A.It must be fully paid. 

B.Debenture Stock can be transferred in fraction. 

C.Debenture stock are identified by their distinct number 

Ans .c 

121.Which of the following is false? 

A.A company can issue irredeemable debentures 

B.A company can issue debentures with voting rights 

C.A company can buy its own shares 

D.A company can buy its own debentures 


122.Which of the following is not a characteristic of Bearer Debentures? 

A.They are treated as negotiable instruments 

B.Their transfer requires a deed of transfer 

C.They are transferable by mere delivery 

D.The interest on it is paid to the holder irrespective of identity 


123.Which of the following is/are true with respect to debentures? 

A.They can be issued for cash 

B.They can be issued for consideration other than cash 

C.They cannot be issued as collateral security 

D.Both a and b above 


124.When debentures are issued as collateral security, the final entry for recording the transaction in the books is . 

A.Credit debentures a/c. and debit cash a/c. 

B.Debit debenture suspense a/c. and credit cash a/c. 

C.Debit debenture suspense a/c. and credit debentures a/c. 

D.Debit cash a/c. and credit the loan a/c. for which security is given 


125.Which of the following is false with respect to debentures? 

A.They can be issued for cash 

B.They can be issued for consideration other than cash 

C.They can be issued as collateral security 

D.They can be issued in lieu of dividends 


126.Debentures can be . 

A.Mortgage Debentures or Simple Debentures. 

B.Registered Debentures Or Bearer Debentures. 

C.Redeemable Debentures or Irredeemable Debentures. 

D.Convertible Debentures or Non-convertible Debentures. 

A.Both (I) and (II) above 

B.Both (I) and (III) above 

C.Both (II) and (III) above 

D.All of (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above. 


127.Which of the following statements is false? 

A.Debenture is a form of public borrowing 

B.It is customary to prefix debentures with the agreed rate of interest 

C.Debenture interest is a charge against profits 

D.The issue price and redemption value of debentures cannot differ. 


128.Which of the following is true with regard to 10% Debentures issued at a discount of 20%? 

A.The carrying amount of debentures gets reduced each year at a rate of 20% 

B.Issue price and the carrying amount of debentures are equal 

C.At the time of redemption, the debenture holder will be paid the issue price 

D.The face value and the carrying amount of debentures are equal. 


129.Which of the following is false? 

A.Equity is owners’ stake and the debenture is a debt 

B.Rate of interest on debentures is fixed 

C.Debenture holders get preferential treatment over the equity holders at the time of liquidation 

D.Interest on debentures is an appropriation of profits. 


130.Discount on issue of debentures is a . 

A.Revenue loss to be charged in the year of issue 

B.Capital loss to be written off from capital reserve 

C.Capital loss to be written off over the tenure of the debentures 

D.Capital loss to be shown as goodwill 

131.Premium on redemption of debentures account is . 

A.A real account 

B.A nominal account - income 

C.A personal account 

D.A nominal account – expenditure 



132.Which of the following is not true about Debenture redemption reserve(DRR): 

A.DDR created @ 50% of the amount of debentures issued before commencement of redemption. 

B.Withdrawal fromm DRR can be made only after 10% of debenture liability has been redeemed. 

C.DRR is required in case of Fully convertible debenture. 

D.DRR is not required in case of debentures with a maturity period of 18 months or less. 


133.When all the debentures are redeemed, balance in the debentures redemption fund account is transferred to : 

A.Capital reserve, 

B.General reserve, 

C.Profits and loss appropriation account. 


134.Debentures can be redeemed out of: 



C.Provisions made for redemption 

D.By converting them into shares or new debentures 

E.All of the above 


135.Own debentures are those debentures of the company which: 

A.The company allots to its own promoters, 

B.The company allots to its Director, 

C.The company purchases from the market and keeps them as investments. 


136.Profit on cancellation of own debentures is transferred to : 

A.Profit and loss appropriation a/c, 

B.Debenture redemption reserve, 

C.Capital reserve. 


137.When debentures are redeemed out of profits, an equal amount is transferred to : 

A.General reserve, 

B.Debenture redemption reserve, 

C.Capital reserve. 


138.Profit on sale of debenture redemption fund investments in the first instance is credited to : 

A.Debenture redemption fund account, 

B.Profit and loss appropriation account, 

C.General reserve account. 


139.The balance of sinking fund investment account after the realisation of investments is transferred to: 

A.Profit and loss account, 

B.Debentures account, 

C.Sinking fund account. 


140.Excess value of net assets over purchase consideration at the time of purchase of business is credited to : 

A.General reserve, 

B.Capital reserve, 

C.Vendors’ account 



141.Excess value of Purchase consideration over net assets at the time of purchase of business is credited to : 

A.General reserve, 

B.Capital reserve, 

C.Vendors’ account 



142.The balance of royalty‟s receivable account is transferred to — 

A.Profit and loss account 

B.Royalties suspense account 

C.Production account. 


143.Under the double account system, the profit and loss account is called— 

A.Profit and loss account 

B.Income and expenditure account 

C.Revenue account. 


144.Under the double account system, the profit and loss appropriation account is called — 

A.Net revenue account 

B.Profit and loss appropriation account 

C.Profit and loss account. 

Ans. A 

145.The depreciation on the fixed assets, under the double account system, is shown as— 

a.Depreciation reserve on the liabilities side of the general balance sheet 

b.A deduction from the fixed assets 

c.An expenditure on capital account in the first section of the balance sheet. 


146.Under the double account system, interest on debentures is shown in— 

a.Revenue account 

b.Net revenue account 

c.Profit and loss account. 


147.Share forfeited account is shown on— 

a.Liabilities side of the general balance sheet 

b.Credit side of the net revenue account 

c.Credit side of the receipts and expenditures on capital account 


148.A fixed asset originally acquired for Rs. 20,000 is to be replaced by new one. The estimated cost of replacement of the original asset is Rs. 30,000. Hence, the revenue charge equals — 

(i) Rs. 20,000 

(ii) Rs. 10,000 

(iii)Rs. 30,000. 

Ans. (iii) 

149.A fixed asset originally acquired for Rs. 20,000 is replaced by a new asset costing Rs. 50,000. But the estimated cost of replacement of the original asset is B Rs. 30,000. Hence, the capital charge equals— 

a. Rs. 20,000 

b. Rs. 50,000 

c. Rs. 30,000. 


150.A fixed asset originally acquired for Rs. 20,000 is replaced by a new asset. The estimated cost of the replacement of the original asset is Rs. 30,000. The sale proceeds of old material amounted to Rs. 2,000.Hence, the revenue charge equals 

(i) Rs. 28,000 

(ii) Rs. 18,000 

(iii) Rs. 30,000. 


151.Calls in advance are shown on the— 

a.Liabilities side of the general balance sheet 

b.Expenditure side of receipts and expenditures on capital account 

c.Receipts side of receipts and expenditures on capital account. 


152.Plant and machinery is shown on the— 

a.Assets side of the general balance sheet 

b.Expenditure side of the receipts and expenditures on capital account 

c.Receipts side of the receipts and expenditures on capital account. 


153.The value of goodwill, according to the simple profit method, is— 

a.The product of current year's profit and number of years 

b.The product of last year's profit and number of years 

c.The product of average profits of the given years and number of years. 


154.The goodwill of a business is to be valued at 3 years' purchase of the average profits of the last three years. The profits of the last three years are Rs. 5,000, Rs. 6,000 and Rs. 7,000 respectively. Hence, the goodwill be valued at— 

(i) Rs. 18,000 

(ii) Rs. 12,000 

(iii) Rs. 15,000. 

Ans. (i) 

155.A business has a capital of Rs. 40,000 at the end. It had earned profits of Rs. 5,000 during the year. Hence, the average capital of the business will be — 

(i) Rs. 42,500 

(ii) Rs. 37,500 

(iii) Rs. 35,000 


156.If the average capital of a business is Rs. 60,000 and the normal rate of profit is 15%, then the normal profits will amount to— 

a. Rs. 10,000 

b.Rs. 9,000 

c.Rs. 15,000. 


157.If the super-profits of a business are Rs. 6,000 and the normal rate of profit is 10%, then the amount of goodwill as per the capitalisation method will be— 

a.Rs. 60,000 

b.Rs. 600 

c.Neither of the two. 


158.It is given that net assets available for equity and preference shares amount to Rs. 90,000. The paid up capitals are 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 2 each and 5,000 preference shares of Rs. 10 

each. Therefore, value of an equity share will be— 

a.Rs. 2 per share 

b.Rs. 4 per share 

c.Rs. 5 per share. 


159.It is given that net assets available for equity and preference shares amount to Rs. 1,87,000. The paid-up capitals are—10,000 equity shares of Rs. 4 each and 5,000 preference shares of Rs. 10 each. Therefore, value of a preference share will be— (i) Rs. 10 per share 

(ii) Rs. 8 per share 

(iii) Rs. 20 per share. 


160.Under the yield method of valuation of equity share capital, if for an equity share of Rs. 50, the normal rate of return is 10% and the expected rate of return is 5%, then the value of an equity share will be— 

a. Rs. 25 

b. Rs. 50 21. Rs. 100. 


161.For calculating the value of an equity share by intrinsic value method, it is essential to know— 

a.Normal rate of return 

b.Expected rate of return 

c.Net equity. 


162.For calculating the value of an equity share by yield method, it is essential to know— 

a.Expected rate of return 

b.Called-up equity share capital 

c.Capital employed. 

Ans. a 

162For calculating price-earnings ratio, it is essential to know— 

a.Market value per share 

b.Nominal value per share 

c.Paid-up value per share. 


163.For calculating the value of an equity share by earning capacity method, it is essential to know 

(i) Nominal value per share 

(ii) Rate of earning 

(iii) Dividend per share. 


164.A Ltd. and B Ltd. go into liquidation and a new company X Ltd. is formed. It is a case of— 


b.External reconstruction 



165. X Ltd. goes into liquidation and a new company Z Ltd. is formed to take over the business of X Ltd. It is a case of— 


b.External reconstruction 



166.X Ltd. goes into liquidation and an existing company Z Ltd. purchases the business of X Ltd. It is a case of— 


b.External reconstruction 



167.Accumulated profits include— 

a.Provision for doubtful debts 

b.Superannuation fund 

c.Workmen's compensation fund. 


168.Liabilities (not accumulated profits) of a company include— 

a.General reserve 

b.Pension fund 

c.Dividend equalisation fund. 

Ans. b 

169.When the expenses of liquidation are to be borne by the vendor company, then the vendor company debits— 

a.Realisation account 

b.Bank account 

c.Goodwill account. 


170.When the expenses of liquidation are to be borne by the purchasing company, then the purchasing company debits— 

a.Vendor company's account 

b.Bank account 

c.Goodwill account. 

Ans. c 

171.When the purchasing company makes payment of the purchase consideration, it debits— 

a.Business purchase account 

b.Assets account 


172.The vendor company transfers preliminary expenses (at the time of absorption) to— 

a.Equity shareholders' account 

b.Realisation account 

c.Purchasing company's account. 

Ans. a 

172.For paying liabilities not taken over by the purchasing company, the vendor company credits— 


173.In case of inter-company holdings, the purchasing company, at the time of payment of the purchase consideration, surrenders the shares in the vendor company by crediting— 

a.Vendor company's account 

b.Shares in the vendor company account 

c.Vendor company's account. 

a.Realisation account 

b.Bank account 

c.Liabilities account. 

c.Share capital account. 


174.The share capital, to the extent already held by the purchasing company, is closed by the vendor company by crediting it to— 

a.Share capital account 

b.Purchasing company's account 

c.Realisation account. 


175.In case of sub-division of share capital the total number of shares— 



c.Does not change. 


176.If the shares of smaller denomination-are converted into the shares of higher denomination without changing the total amount of share capital, then it is a case of— 

a.Consolidation of share capital 

b.Sub-division of share capital 

c.Decrease in unissued share capital. 


177.When a company converts its equity shares into the capital stock, then the account to be credited is— 

a.Equity share capital account 

b.Equity capital stock account 

c.No entry is required. 


178.A Ltd. with a share capital of 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid decides to repay Rs. 5 per share thus making each share of Rs. 5 fully paid. It is a case of— 

a.Reducing share capital by returning the excess capital 

b.Reducing the liability on account of uncalled capital 

c.Reducing the paid-up capital. 


179.For writing off the accumulated Josses under the scheme of capital reduction, we debit— 

a.Share capital account 

b.Accumulated losses account 

c.Capital reduction account. 


180.If there is any balance in the capital reduction account after writing off all the accumulated losses, then the same is transferred to — 

1. Share capital account 

2. Capital reserve account 

3. General reserve account. 


181.A company has issued capital of 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid. It decides to convert its capital into 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 5 each. It is a case of 

a.Consolidation of share capital 

b.Sub-division of share capital 

c.Decrease in unissued share capital. 


182.If the creditors are willing to reduce their claims against the company, (hen the amount reduction in their claim will be transferred to 

a.Share capital account 

b.Creditors account 

c.Capital reduction account. 


183.Any loss on revaluation of the assets at the time of internal reconstruction, will be charged from— 

a.Revaluation account 

b.Share capital account 

c.Capital reduction account. 


184.A contingent liability, not provided for, materialised to the extent of Rs. 1,000. The insurance company paid Rs. 600 in respect of this liability. Hence, the amount to be charged from the capital reduction account will be — 

a.Rs. 600 

b.Rs. 400 

c.Rs. 1,000. 


185.A banking company can pay dividend on its shares without writing off — 

a.Preliminary expenses 


c.The bad debts (provided adequate provision has been made). 


186.It is given that the paid-up capital, reserves and share premium account have balances amounting to Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 9,00,000 and Rs. 1,50,000 respectively. It is also given that the profits of the company for the current year are Rs. 1,00,000. ft should make a transfer of— 

a.Rs. 30,000 to statutory reserve of 

b.Rs. 25,000 to statutory reserve 

c.May be exempted from making such transfer. Ans.c 

187. Provision for bad debs and doubtful debts is — 

a.Not shown anywhere in the published accounts of a banking company 

b.Shown on the debit side of the profit and loss account 

c.Shown as a deduction from the interest and discount income on the credit side of profit and loss account. 


188.Rebate on biffs discounted account is a— 

a.Real account 

b.Personal account 

c.Nominal account. 


189.If the balance of rebate on bills discounted is given in the trial balance, it will be taken to — 

a.Debit side of the profit and Joss account 

b.Credit side of the profit and loss account as a deduction from interest and discount 

c.Liabilities side of the balance-sheet. Ans.(iii) Liabilities side of the balance-sheet. 

190.Money at call and short notice is shown— 

a.On the liability side of the balance sheet 

b.On the asset side of the balance sheet 

c.It is a contra item. 

Ans.(ii) On the asset side of the balance sheet 

191.Provision for taxation is shown— 

a.On the debit side of the profit and loss account 

b.As a deduction from interest and discount on the credit side of the profit and loss account 

c.On the asset side of the balance sheet. 

Ans. B 

192.Loans, cash credits and overdrafts are shown— 

a.On the asset side of the balance sheet 

b.On the liability side of the balance sheet 

c.These are contra items. 


193.Bills discounted and purchased are shown— 

a.On the asset side of the balance sheet 

b.On the liability side of the balance sheet 

c.Neither of the two sides. 


194.Deposits and other accounts are shown — 

a.On the asset side of the balance sheet 

b.On the liability side of the balance sheet 

c.These are contra items. 


195.A general insurance company carrying on two or more types of business prepares only— 

a.Revenue accounts in respect of different businesses 

b.Profit and loss account (including appropriation account) 

c.Separate revenue accounts for each type of business and combined profit and loss account. 


196.Reserve for unexpired risks appearing outside the trial balance under adjustments is 

1. Shown on the debit side of the revenue 

account and liabilities side of the balance sheet 

2. Shown on the credit side of the revenue account and asset side of the balance sheet 

3. Shown as a contra item in the balance 



197.Reinsurance premium is shown— 

1. On the debit side of revenue account 

2. On the liability side of the balance sheet 

3. As deduction from the premiums on the 

credit side of the revenue account. 


198.Expenses of management (not applicable to any particular business) are shown in— 

a.Revenue account 

b.Profit and loss account 

c.Profit and loss appropriation account. 


199.Transfer fees are credited to— 

a.Revenue account 

b.Profit and loss account 

c.Profit and loss appropriation account. 


200. Legal fees in respect of claims are shown in— 

a.Revenue account 

b.Profit and loss account 

c.Profit and loss appropriation account. 


(C) Balance 


201.It is given that claims paid during the year amounted to Rs. 1,00,000. The claims outstanding i the beginning and at the end were Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 10,000 respectively. Hence, the amount to be debited to revenue account will be— 

(i) Rs. 1,00,000 

(ii) Rs. 1,15,000 

(iii) Rs. 95,000. 


202.It is given that additional reserve for unexpired risks was Rs. 50,000 in the beginning of the year. The net premium for the current year were Rs. 4,00,000 and the additional reserve for unexpired risks was to be increased by 5% of the net premiums. Hence, the amount of the additional reserve will be— 

(i) Rs. 20,000 

(ii) Rs. 50,000 

(iii) Rs. 70,000. 


203.It is given that the balance being profit of the last year amounted to Rs. 80,000. During the current year, the business suffered a loss of Rs. 20,000 and dividends amounting to Rs. 15,000 were paid in respect of the previous year. Hence, the profit and loss appropriation account will be credited by— 

(i) Rs. 65,000 

(ii) Rs. 45,000 

(iii) Rs. 80,000. 


204.It is given that premiums, reinsurance premiums and commission on reinsurance ceded amounted to Rs. 10,00,000, Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 30,000 respectively. Hence, premiums will be shown in the revenue account at— 

1. Rs.10,00,000 

2. Rs. 9,50,000 

3. Rs. 9,20,000. 

Ans.(ii) Rs. 9,50,000 

205.Postulates of Accounting are: 



c.Unit of measure 

d.All of these 


206. Meaning of Net Assets is : 

a.Total Assets − Total Liabilities 

b.Fixed Assets + Current Assets 

c.Total Assets − Current Liabilities 

d.Total Assets − Outside Liabilities 


207.Valuation of closing stock is to be made: 

a.on cost price 

b.on market price 

c.cost price or market price, whichever is less 

d.None of these 


208.According to the cost concept, the assets are always valued at : 

a.on cost price 

b.on market price 

c.on purchase price 

d.None of these 


209.Under Hire Purchase System depreciation is charged : 

a.On cash price 

b.Hire purchase price 

c.Market price 

d.None of these 


210.Hirer charges depreciation on: 

a.Hire purchase price 

b.Cash price. 

c.Lower of the two 

d.None of these 


211. What is transferred to Hirer under hire purchase system : 

a.Ownership of assets 

b.Possession of asset 

c.Ownership and possession of asset 

d.None of these 


212.Hire Purchase Act is : 

(i) 1932 

(ii) 1956 

(iii) 1972 

(iv) 187 Ans.(iii) 

213. The Sale of Goods Act is applicable in: 

(i) Credit Purchases 

(ii) Cash Purchases 

(iii) Cash Sales 

(iv) None of these 


214.What is transferred to Hirer under Instalment Payment system : 

a.Ownership of Assets Possession of Assets 

b.Ownership and Possession of assets 

c.None of these. 


215.Branch Adjustment Account is prepared: 

a.By Dependent Branch 

b.By H.O. of Dependent Branch 

c.By H.O. of Independent Branch 

d. None of these 


216.Which account is prepared to find out the amount of closing stock: 

a.Head Office A/c 

b.Branch A/c 

c.Memorandum Stock A/c 

d.None of these 


217.Branch account under debtor system is: 

A.Real account 

B.Personal account 

C.Nominal account 

D.None of these 


218. Branch Adjustment account is in the nature of : 

A.Real account 

B.Nominal account 

C.Personal account 

D.None of these 


219.In foreign branch fixed assets shall be converted at: 

a.Opening rate 

b.Average rate 

c.Rate of the date of purchase 

d.None of these 


220.By what rate the balance of H.O. a/c is converted in foreign branch : 

a.Opening rate 

b.Closing rate 

c.Average rate 

d.None of these 


221.The Gross Profit of a business being Rs. 3 lakh and the amount of loss of Profit Policy being Rs.1,50,000 then the claim for loss Rs. 20,000 will reduce to : 

(i) Rs. 12,000 

(ii)Rs. 15,000 

(iii) Rs. 20,000 

(iv) None of these. 


222.Loss of Profit Policy indemnity : 

a.Capital Loss 

b.Revenue Loss 

c.Budgeted Loss 

d.Gross Loss. 


223.The value of closing stock Rs. 72,000, the amount of the Policy was Rs. 63,000, the Actual loss of stock Rs. 54,000, there was an average clause in the Policy. Calculate the amount of claims: (i) Rs. 47,250 

(ii)Rs. 54,000 


(iv) None of these 


224.The rate of Gross Profit on sales is 20%. Sales up to date of fire amounted to Rs. 1,00,000. Find Amount of Gross Profit: 

(i) Rs. 20,000 

(ii) Rs. 25,000 

(iii)Rs. 50,000 

(iv) None of these 


225.The rate of Gross Profit on cost of sales is 25%. Sales up to date of fire amounted to Rs. 1,00,000. Find amount of Gross Profit: 

(i) Rs. 20,000 

(ii) Rs. 25,000 

(iii) Rs. 50,000 

(iv) None of these 


226.Excess of assets over liabilities is called : 






226.Amount of Drawings is added at the time of finding out profit in single entry system: 





e.None out of these. 


227.To find out the opening and closing capitals, statement of affairs are prepared: 





228.The expenses which are not departmental: 

a.are charged to departments in sales ratio. 

b.are charged to departments in the ratio of assets employed thereto. 

c.are charged to general profit and loss account. 

Ans. c 

229.Cum-dividend quotation of shares means that the quotation includes: 

a.dividend which may be declared in future. 

b.dividend declared recently but not yet paid. 

c.nothing else but the price of the share. 

Ans. b 

230.A quotation is ex-interest when : 

a.the interest to the date of transaction is to be paid in addition to the settled price. 

b.interest has already been deducted from the price. adjustment is necessary for interest. Ans.(i) the interest to the date of transaction is to be paid in addition to the settled price. 

231.Interest is calculated on: price of securities 

b.purchase price of securities value of securities 

d.face value of securities. 


232.Preparation of consolidated Balance Sheet of Holding Co. and its subsidiary company as per 

a. As 11 

b. AS – 22 

c. AS 21 

d. AS – 23 


233.The share of outsiders in the Net Assets in subsidiary company is known as under : 

a.outsiders liability 


c.subsidiary company's liability 

d.Minority Interest 

Ans. b 

235.234.Pre-acquisition profit in subsidiary company is considered as : 

e. Revenue profit 

f. Capital profit 

g. Goodwill 

h. Non of the above 


236.Excess of cost of investment over paid up value of the shares is considered as: 


b.Capital Reserve 

c.Minority Interest 

d.Non of above 

Ans. d 

237.Excess of paid up value of the shares over cost of investment is considered as: 


b.Capital Reserve 

c.Minority Interest 

d.Non of above 


238.Profit earned before acquisition of share is treated as 

a.Capital profit 

b.Revenue profit 

c.General Reserve 

d.Revaluation Loss 


239.Profit earned after acquisition of share is treated as 

a.Capital profit 

b.Revenue profit 

c.General Reserve 

d.Revaluation Loss 


240.Preparation of consolidated statement as per AS 21 is 


b.Mandatory for listed Companies 

c.Mandatory for Pvt. Ltd. 

d.Companies Ltd. partnership firm 


241.Holding Co. share in capital profits of subsidiary company is adjusted in : 

a.Cost of control 

b.Shown on Assets side of Balance sheet 

c.Revenue profit 

d.None of above 


242.Holding Co. share in revenue profits of subsidiary company is adjusted in : 

a. Cost of control 

b.Shown on Assets side of Balance sheet 

c.Profit and loss account 

d.None of above 


243.Unrealised profit on goods sold and included in stock is deducted from : 

a.Capital Profit 

b.Revenue Profit 

c.Fixed Assets 

d.Minority interest 

ans .b 

244.Face value debentures of subsidiary co. held by Holding Company is deducted from : 


b.Cost of control 

c.Minority interest 

d.Debentures in consolidated balance sheet 


245.Which of the following statement is true: 

a.There is no change in the amount of capital reserve before and after issue of bonus share of the issue is made from out of pre-acquisition profit. 

b.There is change in the amount of capital reserve before and after issue of bonus share of the issue is made from out of post-acquisition profit. 

c.There is change in the amount of capital reserve before and after issue of bonus share of the issue is made from out of pre-acquisition profit. 

d.There is no connection between the issue of bonus shares and the calculation of capital reserve. 


246.Consolidated financial statements are prepared on the principle: 

a.In form the companies are one entity; in substance they are separate. 

b.In form the companies are separate; in substance they are one. 

c.In form and substance the companies are one entity. 

d.In form and substance the companies are separate. 


247.Minority Interest includes : 

a. Share in share capital 

b. Share in Capital profit 

c. Share in Revenue profit 

d. All of the above 


248.The Time interval between the date of acquisition of shares in subsidiary company and date of Balance Sheet of Holding Company is known as : 

a.Pre-acquisition period 

b.Post-acquisition period 

c.Pre-commencement period 

d.Pre-incorporation period. 


249.Pre-acquisition dividend received by Holding company is credited to 

a.profit & loss A/c 

b.Capital profit 

c.Investment A/c 

d.non of the above 


250.Post Acquisition dividend received by Holding Company is debited to : 

a.Bank A/c 

b.profit & loss A/c 

c.Dividend A/c 

d.Investment A/c 


251.Which Exchange rate will be considered for conversion of share capital of subsidiary company. 

a.Opening Rate 

252.A subsidiary company shall be excluded from consolidation when: 

a.Control is intended to be temporary 

b.It operates under severe long-term restrictions which significantly impair its ability to transfer funds to the parent 

a) Inventory control 

b) Management control 

c) Ascertainment of cost 

b.closing rate 

c.Average Rate 

d.Rate of which date share acquired (actual) 


c.Always included for consolidation 

d.Both a and b. 


253.Costing is a technique of 

d) Calculation of cost 

e) Reduction of cost 


254.Cost accounting has been developed because of of financial accounting. 

a) limitations 

b) expenditure 

c) statutory requirements 

d) both (a) and (b) 

e) None of these 


255.Cost accountancy is the science, art and of cost accountant. 

a) Profession 

b) Management 

c) Administration 

d) Practice 

e) All of these 


256.In automobile industry cost unit is 

a) Number 

b) Automobile quality 

c) Number of automobile industry 

d) Either (a) or (c) 

e) None of these 


257.Cost unit in a college may be 

a) teacher 

b) Non teacher staff 

c) Student 

d) Number of departments 

e) None of these 


258.costing is suitable for mines, quarries, cement works etc. a) Process 

b) Contract 

c) Batch 

d) Operation 

e) Job 

Ans. b an extension of job costing. 

a) Process costing 

b) Batch costing 

c) Contract costing 

d) Operation costing 

e) None of these 


260.When job is very big and spread over long periods of time the method of costing adopted is 

a) Process 

b) Job 

c) Contract 

d) Operation 

e) Batch 


261.Continuous costing is also called 

a) Operation costing 

b) Process costing 

c) Batch costing 

d) Contract costing 

e) None of these 


262.The main types of costing for ascertaining costs do not include 

a) Uniform costing 

b) Standard costing 

c) Marginal costing 

d) Historical costing 


263.Cost accounting is based on figures. 

a) Approximated 

b) Estimated 

c) Historical 

d) Either (a) or (c) 

e) None of these 


264.costing is used in transport undertaking. 

a) Operating 

b) Standard 

c) marginal 

d) Absorption 

e) Service 


265.In costing the cost of a group of products is ascertained. 

a) Process 

b) Job 

c) Batch 

d) Service 

e) Marginal 

Ans. d 

266.The total of all direct expenses Is known as 

a) Total cost 

b) Overhead 

c) Prime cost 

d) Work cost 

e) None of these 


267.Work cost is the total of 

a) Direct cost 

b) Indirect cost 

c) Variable cost 

d) Controllable cost 

e) Uncontrollable cost 


268.Opportunity cost does not involve 

a) Cash inflow 

b) Cash outflow 

c) Cash outlay 

d) Either (a) or (b) 

e) None of these 


269.Depreciation is expenditure. 

A) variable 

b) Fixed 

c) Direct 

d) Indirect 

e) Semi-variable 


270.Out of pocket payment involves payment to 

a) Managers 

b) Promoters 

c) Directors 

d) Shareholders 

e) Outsiders 


271.Value added is the change in 

a) Face value 

b) Market value 

c) Book value 

d) Realizable value 

e) None of these 


272.The two aspects of material control are accounting aspect and aspect. 

a) Financial 

b) Economic 

C) social 

d) Operational 

e) None of these 


273.Material control aims at achieving effective 


a) Marketing 

b) Production 

c) Organization 

d) Material 

e) None of these 

Ans. a 

274.Stores ledger is maintained in the 


a) Cost accounting 

b) Stores 

c) Purchase 

d) Production 

e) None of these 


275.Bin card is a record of only. 

a) Quality 

b) quanity 

c) Numbers 

d) Value 

e) None 


276.Bin card is maintained by 

a) Purchase department 

b) Production department 

c) Marketing department 

d) Stores keeper 

e) None of these 


277.With regard to break –even charts and break- even analysis, which of the following is true ? 

a. It is assumed that variable cost 

fluctuates in direct proportion to output 

b. The break the break-even point is at the intersection of the sales line and the variable cost line 

c. A break-even chart shown the 

maximum profit possible 

d. A break-even chart is capable of 

dealing with any change of product mix 


278.The following data relate to two output levels of a department : Machine hours 17,000 18,500 

Overheads (`) 2, 46,500 2,51,750 

The variable overhead rate per hour is ` 3.50. The amount of fixed overheads is: 

a. 5,250 

b. 59,500 

c. 1,87,000 

d. 2, 46,500 


279.The following data relate to two activity levels of an out-patients‘department in a hospital : No. of consultations per patient 4,500 5,750 

Overheads ` 2,69,750 ` 2,89,125 

Fixed overheads are ` 2,00,000 per period. The variable cost per consultation is 

a. 15.50 

b. 44.44 

c. 59.94 

d. none of the above 


280.Break-even analysis assumes that over the relevant range: 

a. Total costs are unchanged 

b. Unit variable costs are unchanged 

c. Variable costs are non-linear 

d. Unit fixed costs are unchanged 


281.ABC Ltd. Has fixed costs of ` 60,000 p.a.. It manufactures a single product, which it sells for 

` 20 per unit. Its contribution to sales ratio is 40%. ABC Ltd‘s break-even point in units is : sts of 


b 3,000 

c. 5,000 

d. 7,500 


282.Sun Ltd. Makes a single product which it sells for ` 10 per unit. Fixed costs are ` 48,000 per month and the product has a contribution to sales ratio of 40%. In a period when actual sales were 

` 1, 40,000. Sun Ltd.‘s margin of safety in units was : 

a. 2,000 

b. 6,000 

c. 8,000 

d. 12,000 


283.A company produced 500 units of a product and incurred the following costs: ` Direct materials 8,000 

Direct wages 10,000 

Overheads (20% fixed) 45,000 

If the sales value of 500 units was ` 1,02,000, what is contribution margin ? 

a. 44% 

b. 47% 

c. 53% 

d. 74% 


-Use the following data for questions 38 and 39: 

Budget data for the Happy Ltd. Sales (1,00,000 units) ` 10,00,000 Costs : Variable ` 7,00,000 

Fixed ` 2,10,000 9,10,000 

Operating profit ` 90,000 

284.If fixed costs increased by ` 31,500 with no other cost or revenue factors changing, the break- even sales in units would be : 

a. 34,500 

b. 80,500 

c. 69,000 

d. 94,500 


284.If Happy Ltd. Is subject to an effective income tax rate of 40%, the number of units Happy Ltd. Would have to sell to earn an after-tax profit of ` 90,000 is : 

a. 1,00,000 units 

b. 1,20,000 units 

c. 1,12,000 units 

d. 1,45,000 units 


285.Selling a product at a price equivalent to or below marginal cost is recommended for a short period in certain special circumstances, such as 

a. Introducing a new product 

b. Exploring foreign market 

c. Driving out a weaker competitor 

d. All of the above 


286.Which of the following is not a relevant cost information in a make or buy decision? 

a. Variable cost of making 

b. General fixed cost 

c. Purchase price 

d. Loss of contribution to make the 


Ans. a 

287.Which of the following factors are not qualitative factors in a make or buy decision ? 

a. Doubt as to the ability of the 

subcontractor to meet delivery dates 

b. Doubt as to ability of the 

subcontractor to maintain quality 

c. The case with which improvements 

can be made to the product 

d. The effect of redundancy on labour 



288.The process of distribution of overheads allotted to a particular department or cost center over the units produced is called: 

a. Allocation 

b. Apportionment 

c. Absorption 

d. Departmentalization 

Ans. d 

289.Angle of incidence defines: 

a. Systematic risk in CAPM model 

b. Post BEP relationship between total 

cost and total revenue 

c. Incidental factors in investments 

d. Marginal cost of production 


290.A Ltd. Has sales of ` 2,200, total fixed cost of ` 570, variable cost of ` 1,540, raw material consumed of ` 1,100, number of units sold 22,000. 

What shall be the BEP 9in units) if raw material price is reduced by 2%? 

a. 18,387 

b. 18,560 

c. 18,750 

d. 19,000 


291.If an item of overhead expenditure is charged specifically to a single department this would be an example of: 

a. Apportionment 

b. Allocation 

c. Re-apportionment 

d. Absorption 

292.Interest on own capital is a: 

a. Cash cost 

b. Notional cost 

c. Sunk cost 

d. Part of prime cost 


293.Objectives of research and development costs include: 

a. Maintaining present competitive 


b. Improving enterprise‘s competitive 


c. Exploring now market/products 

d. All of the above 


294.Normal stores losses are: 

a. Part of prime cost 

b. Part of production overheads 

c. Part of selling and distribution 


d. Written-off to costing and profit and 

loss account 

Ans. a 

295.Secondary packing expenses are: 

a. Part of prime cost 

b. Part of production overheads 

c. Part of distribution overheads 

d. Written-off to costing profit and loss 



296.If you know that with 8 units of output, average fixed cost is `12.50 and average variable cost is ` 81.25, then total cost at this output level is: a. 93.75. 

b .97.78. 

c. 750. 

d. 880. 


297.The methods of treating cost of small tools in cost accounts include 

a. Charging to expense 

b. Charging to stores 

c. Capitalizing in a small tools account 

d. All of the above 


298.under marginal costing: 

a. All costs are classified into two groups 

– variable and fixed 

b. Variable costs form part of the product 

cost and inventory valuation 

c. Fixed costs are treated as period costs 

d. All of the above 


299.Which of the following definitions describe marginal cost? 

a. The variable cost of one unit of 

product or service 

b. A principle whereby variable costs are 

charged to cost units and the fixed costs attributable to the relevant period are written-off in full against the contribution for that period 

c. Costs appropriate to aiding the making 

of specific management decisions 

d. The price at which material identical to 

that which is used up could be replaced on the date of usage 

Ans. c 

300. According to Rowan premium plan, which of the following formula is used to calculate the bonus rate? 

a. (Time saved/time allowed) x 100 

b. (Time allowed/time saved) x 100 

c. (Actual time taken/time allowed) x 100 

d. (Time allowed/actual time taken) x 100 


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